Wednesday, June 23, 2010

We're still here!

Is it really possible that we have not updated for over a month? Where has the time gone....certain that is going to be something we continue to say for the next, oh I don't know 20 years!

Baby update: All is well - 33 weeks last Sunday and doing great! Emma continues to hope for an August birth - she calls it the birthday train. We would have a b-day each month Aug through Dec. I could go for earlier if this Texas heat continues like it has and everyone confirms it will!

Quick recap of the last month:

May visit - Larry and Jean made time to visit us on their way back from a trip to Haiti. Quote from Norah as we were heading out one morning, "Who will babysit Mr. Larry while we are gone?" Ah out of the mouths of babes! Or did Jean set her up for that before returning to Illinois and leaving Larry in our care a few extra days!

Another May visit - My sister Ann, hubby Chuck and sweet Madeline came for a visit over Memorial Day. The girlies had a blast playing, playing and playing. Toured the Dallas World Aquarium. The men had time for some golf before the Texas heat kicked in. Anyone noticing a theme here with the HEAT!

June 4th was the end of school for Emma and the start of our looooooong trip to Illinois and Indiana. Final total we spent approximately 34 hours in and out of the van in a 9 day more long trips for this pregnant momma! For those of you with public restroom phobia's - I highly recommend avoiding this much travel while pregnant!

We were thrilled to spend time with many of you while back in Bloomington - miss ya already! The girls had a fantastic time with all their neighborhood and small group friends. Thanks for making time for us and helping us have a great week.

We visited with both sides of the family - Steve's in Illinois - great day at Aunt Deb and Uncle Tim's house with Grandma and Grandpa joining us.

Ended our trip through Indiana to be with Nancy's side of the family. A quick visit to the farm that led to Norah setting a frog loose in Aunt Marian's kitchen! Wonder where she got the frog from - Uncle Mark?! We were able to stop them before the turtle made it's way in as well! Also spent time with Grandpa and Grandma - celebrating their 50th anniversary a bit early (8/20/2010!). Definitely not going to be there with little one arriving around August 8th.

We were so thankful to have safe travel back home to Texas. And thankful that our house has 2 A/C units. The main part of the house was 92 degrees when we got home!! All is well after several calls and the repair man got here the following day.

The girls are finally enjoying their vision of sharing a room and having bunk beds. Are we crazy to give Norah something higher to climb and potentially jump off of?! For now she is following the rules.

Likely some things we have missed, but in an effort to finally complete an update - that's all folks!