Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Fruit of the Spirit and Beach home - hmmmm?

So I have a new philosophy for our home this summer. Well 2 actually!

1) We are focusing our attention on the fruit of the Spirit (Galations 5:22) - Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control. We are finding fun ways to practice and show these virtues to each other. Will try to blog about some of our learnings along the way. Likely it will be me who learns the most. I love how God teaches me daily through my munchkins!! I'm sure they will pick up a thing or two as well.

2) We are going to act as if our house is a beach home. When at the beach we relax more, play together more, rest more, clean less, focus on tasks less. We don't get bothered by clutter or sand on the floor or wet towels all over. Soooo, we will see how a confirmed OCD mommy does with this one!! More on that I'm sure.

OKAY - on to some pictures!!

Sam @ 10 months. He is getting around quite nicely by rolling or scooting on his bottom. He has experimented with getting on his hands and knees, but no real progress towards crawling. Although I am sure that is not far off!

Norah in her new dress from Grandma Verla!

Emma & Steve @ Galveston beach over Memorial Day weekend. Our first family trip to start exploring Texas!

Norah's last day of preschool with one of her favorite friends - Annie!