Saturday, August 14, 2010

Yea God!!! - Sam is here!

Yea God! This is a phrase used frequently at our new church and in our church life group to give God the glory and it is so appropriate for this update.

YEA GOD!!! - Sam arrived on Wednesday 8/4/2010 a healthy baby boy - 8lbs 5oz and 20 inches long. Brown hair (made his Daddy proud!) and a good loud cry. And suddenly here we are over a week later and finally getting an update and some pictures out!
For those of you that have read Francis Chan's book - Crazy Love - hopefully you remember this question from Chapter 7....."What are you doing right now that requires faith?" Also, "But God doesn't call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn't come though."
When I first read this book in the spring of 2009, I would have told you several areas that I thought were requiring me to live by faith and be a bit out of my comfort zone. Looking back, those are almost laughable, not to minimize the steps God was taking me on, but what he had in store for our family was going to require a whole lot more faith and a whole lot less comfort (for a time) than I could imagine.
I plan to never forget the lesson that God has so lovingly taught me through the last 10 months.....He is completely trustworthy and faithful (Psalm 33:4). His grace is sufficient for me and my family (2 Cor 12:9) and HIS joy is my strength (Nehemiah 8:10). When I focus on what brings HIM glory and not my comfort, ahh....then the day goes by with a peace that only He can provide.
Well if you made it this far - you may be screaming at the computer - where are the pictures of the baby!!!! Here he is! Okay - a few other pictures first!

Final prego pictures of mama - Trial run the week before delivery!
Family picture - morning of Sam's arrival (no not our dog - Heidi, the neighbor's dog - she's like family though!!)
Healthy little Sam!!

We love our new baby brother!

Our little man - 1 week old.
Check back soon and we'll try to keep updating as our family grows and changes!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Any day now.....

Wow are we having the true Texas summer weather now - could get to 106 today. 102 on Saturday and 104, hot, hot. Praise God for air conditioning, community pools, and lots of movies for the girls!

So no baby boy yet - but soon, very soon. Quote from our doctor "No one is pregnant forever." Praise God for that! Week 38 and 39 truly gets a gal ready to be done! The girls can't wait for their brother to get here. Last night Norah asked Steve, "Can you make Sam come tonight?"

While we wait we've had lots of fun with little lizards in our house - 2 already. One in the kitchen made Emma scream and jump. He didn't survive the capture event. Sad little girls after that. The second one was in our shower (truly I didn't think this one deserved to live), but Steve thought otherwise and so it was captured at 10:00 at night and survived to see the next morning. The girls were thrilled!
Here are some updated pictures of our little princesses. Hope you enjoy them. Next Sam had better be here! Take Care all!