Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Where does my joy come from?

Great question to ponder... Is my joy based on my circumstances or my relationship with God. Is it based on the blessings He has provided or on Him? I am learning it is best to find my joy in Him. "For the joy of the Lord is your strength!" (Nehemiah 8:10).

So what's been going on with us? What are our current circumstances? Some of which I have to choose to be joyful in and others that are super easy to find joy in.

1) I'm now 40. Funny to be 40 with an infant - he'll keep me young, right?! Thanks to all for the visits, presents, cards, calls, emails, etc to help me celebrate. Joyful is sometimes a choice and sometimes easy on this one!

2) Steve outdid himself for my birthday by flying in 4 of my best girls from IL to celebrate! What a fabulous fun surprise and a wonderful weekend. As the commercial says - "Priceless"!! Don't you love their outrageous disguises!? Can't say enough about the 4 husbands who were single dads for a long weekend to make it possible, as well as my hubby who pulled it all together. Easy to be joyful here!

3) Enjoying my family - Steve continues to love the weather here, even when it was blazing hot, he loved it! (Crazy man I say!) Emma is thriving at school and loving soccer! Norah is our big 4 now!!! She is loving preschool and spunky, silly as ever! Sam's first smiles and coo's this week. He is 2 months old and is well over 15 lbs. Easy to be joyful here!

4) Sleep deprived!! Enough said. This one requires choosing to be joyful in spite of my circumstances and repeating to myself "Sleep is overrated!!"

As for the rest, it is a lot of family time and baby time which is fabulous (minus the sleep deprived part!). Taking care of Sam keeps us close to home and with the weather cooling off, we are starting to get outside more. In fact, Steve and the girls went to a pumpkin patch this weekend to get some pumpkins.

Until next time,


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Finally....an update!

Lots of updates to include this time: Emma started 2nd grade and signed up for soccer, Norah started preschool, Sam is a month old and growing big time and Grandma Bromm came to visit.

Emma's first day of 2nd grade. Starting soccer this year!

Grandma Bromm, Nancy, Sam, Emma and Norah (not so happy about picture taking!)

Sam - 1 month old. Weighing in at 12lbs 10oz!

Norah 1st day of preschool!! Goofy goofy Monkey!!

If you are familiar with Martha and Mary, the sister duo in the bible, most (okay all!) would say I am a Martha. I'm excited to say that I'm beginning to learn to be more like Mary. She was present and enjoyed/cherished being in the presence of people, especially Jesus, her Lord and Savior! I'm learning to be more present and less about tasks. Those of you that know me well, know that this is nothing less than the work of the Holy Spirit in my life!

How do I know this is happening? You see yesterday when Norah was off to her first day of preschool the house was far too quiet! As I was looking around the messy paper pile and forgotten toys that I had been encouraging, (okay nagging!) the girls to clean up was a nice reminder that little people I love live here, play here, and laugh here. I want so much to cherish these days that seem so long and sleep deprived.
As a wise friend recently put it....."To thrive and not merely survive my day." So next time you see me or talk to me, be sure to ask how my Martha to Mary transformation is going.